by Fruit Maven | May 8, 2012 | Citrus, Tangerine
I just ate three pixie tangerines for lunch without batting an eyelash. And they were good — really good. Don’t worry, I’m not going all fruitarian on you, I can barely succeed at simple things like limiting dairy. Last night I had macaroni and...
by Fruit Maven | Apr 3, 2012 | Tangerine
Here’s the thing about procrastinating on…oh…pretty much everything. Or being stuck, or blocked or whatever. Something is bound to get accomplished at some point. I mean I’ve been avoiding writing this post for over a week. So why am I writing...
by Fruit Maven | Nov 24, 2011 | Maven, Nut, Tangerine
But first… a story! (Or if you just want the gift giving guide, you can get right to it here.) I have a goofy relationship with holidays. On the surface it doesn’t seem weird at all. I love them! I adore Halloween and Thanksgiving and Hanukkah and Christmas (I...
by Fruit Maven | Mar 11, 2010 | Citrus, mandarin, Tangerine
If you think getting through winter is like tromping through the Sahara Desert with no food or water, then this is the fruit for you! It is March – just about the saddest month for fruit EVER. I am completely bored of citrus and the spring berries aren’t...
by Fruit Maven | Feb 27, 2010 | Citrus, mandarin, Maven, orange, recipe, tangelo, Tangerine
I am seriously in love with tangerines. I know they are all actually mandarins, but for some reason using that word seems pretentious to me, somewhat akin to appositely using the word “apposite” in a sentence outside of language arts class. Anyway, I grew...
by Fruit Maven | Feb 12, 2010 | Apple, Banana, Cherimoya, Citrus, Fig, Mangosteen, Maven, Papaya, Passion Fruit, Pear, Plum, Pomegranate, Tangerine
There is something sexy, enticing and adventurous about fruit. In some ways trying a new fruit is like falling in love. It requires abandon and risk. You have to search for it and once found, you have to be patient and careful so you don’t bruise or damage the...