Is it just me or do polka dots provide a little burst of instant happiness? As if fruit wasn’t delightful enough, these little beauties also have spunk and style — particularly that dragon fruit. Being a slightly freckly girl though, I must admit I’m a bit partial to the tender kiss of those apple spots.
I was so inspired by these sassy dots this weekend that I wrote this short haiku. I would love to hear what inspires you. Fruit or otherwise…
Feeding my belly
My heart hungers for beauty
Pause and quench your thirsts
1. Opal Apples, 2. Dragon Fruit, 3. Strawberry,
Exploring Fruit is a series where I explore what fruit has to offer the world in terms of design, in addition to the snacking aspect that I usually highlight. The series has just begun. If you want to explore more follow these links to explore fruit colors, fruit shapes, and fruit patterns.
I love polka dots on faces most, but polka dotted fruit is fun!
Yes polka dot faces are particularly pretty!
Love the polka dot post…AND that haiku!
Thanks Carrie!! I guess my secret love of haiku is out now.
Hi Fruit Maven – first, I have to tell you that you are a riot!! You just may become my new favorite writer – I am really enjoying your notes and observations. Second, that haiku is excellent. Really. Aside from being hysterical, it’s excellent. Third, I love polka dots (in case you were wondering…)
Oh Patricia – Thank you! That means so much to me. If you keep leaving comments like that, you just may become my new favorite friend 🙂
Ahem, I know they are not evenly dispersed, but when you talk dots I immediately think kiwis. Disqualified for being in a ring pattern?
Here’s a haiku from my current CFM experience:
Scheduling new chefs
Not unlike lassoing wind
Calendar still bare
Megan – Haha! I love that haiku. Awesome!
And for me, kiwis aren’t exactly polka dotted, but I do love that ring as well and will likely highlight it as a ring pattern in a future post. Or maybe as spokes or something.
You have an eye for beauty! And/or the lighting at your place is magical. The dragon fruit seeds seem to be expanding outward, like the universe itself!
Thanks VV!!! That is so nice to hear!
I haven’t tried the dragon fruit yet. But it seems to be very good. I hate to But I could never find any recipe which uses this dragon fruit in a yummy manner. These apples look so tempting. I am definitely trying this tonight and Thank you for revealing the great information on this topic. Great Post!