I’ve decided to add a new (hopefully weekly) column to Fruit Maven where I highlight cool fruit oriented stuff that I find on the internet. If I’ve used it, I’ll let you know. If I make money from you buying it, I’ll let you know. If I just think it’s kick ass, I’ll let you know that too. Today’s feature fits in to the kick-ass-but-crazy-expensive category: a modern apple slicer from the MoMA store. (Update 01.05.11: As of this morning MoMA has it listed as no longer available. I found it here at Unica Home also.)
That baby is gorgeous! FINALLY we have some innovation in fruit slicing!!!
Looks easy enough, but I haven’t gotten my hands on one, so who knows. I’m giving it a very arbitrary 4 out of 5 stars here. Seems very cool that you only have to slice part of the apple and then you can just leave the slicer in there and the fruit won’t oxidize. No one wants to eat a brown apple!
On sale now for $29.95. Normally $45.00 WHAT?!? Maybe you could somehow justify that price by making it the centerpiece on your table. (Update 01.05.11: As of this morning MoMA has it listed as no longer available. I found it here at Unica Home also but it is the full $45.)
OVERALL Overall Rating:
I would never buy this for myself but I would give lots of hugs or high-fives to anyone who bought one for me. (I’m talking to you dear stranger on the internet. Or to YOU MoMA marketing professional. Who wants a high-five? YOU, that’s who.)