I finally got my hands on a bergamot orange this week and I have been scheming about what I’m going to do with the luscious rind. Heidi from 101 Cookbooks just happened to post a recipe for gorgeous citrus salts a few days ago, which are a definite possibility. But I am thinking I want to pair this up with Earl Grey tea somehow. Bergamot oil is what provides the distinct flavor of Earl Grey so it seems like an obvious way to push the flavor. I’ve got a few things brewing so stay tuned for a recipe next week.
As we chat about bergamots, I need to warn you that Internet seems to have some confusion about two different fruit that both seem to be bergamot but are pretty different. (Yes, I like to refer to Internet at times as if he/she is my personal friend – same way I do when I’m talking about my good, close friends Brad and Angie – I loved Angie’s dress at the Globes.) So beware when looking to purchase them. David Lebovitz does a pretty straightforward job of describing the competing specimens. The true bergamot is a cross between a sour orange and an uncertain citrus – potentially a lemon, citron or limetta (sweet lime). Once again the wacky citrus world has been flouncing around. I can’t say this shocks me anymore as it appears the citrus world is notoriously wild. You can’t leave them alone for one second.
By the way, I am heading to UC Riverside next week for a tour of their citrus collection. I have a good number of questions for them about citrus varieties and how things are classified. I am still a little baffled by whether an orange is a type of mandarin or if a mandarin is a type of orange–among other things. And of course, I’m hoping to get my hands on a few unusual goodies. Let me know in the comments (or email me) if there is anything you would love to know about the citrus world. I think I’m going to have access to some experts, so now is the time.
Bergamot Orange
Bright yellow, bumpy sphere with pale greenish-yellow flesh.
AROMA Rating:
Extraordinary perfume when cut or zested. Fills the room with a delightfully high-pitched orange fragrance. It literally makes my eyebrows go up as I breathe it in.
Fairly dense when cut with a knife. Thin rind and mildly juicy flesh. Few seeds.
TASTE Rating:
Reminds me of a grown up version of sour orange pixie sticks.
OVERALL Overall Rating:
This fruit is basically the polar opposite of the Mango Orange I reviewed last week. This baby is all acidity. It is just over-the-top sour. That being said, it has this really sweet high note that I thoroughly enjoy and while I couldn’t possibly eat even a segment of this fruit, I keep going for little nibbles of the juice. I think that might be why my cheeks are starting to sweat as I type this. That, or I’m just really out of shape and simple typing raises my heart rate. Hard to say.
FRUIT Bergamot |
PEAK Winter |
PROVIDED BY Specialty Produce |
GROWN California |
Is a Bergamot anything like a Meyer Lemon?
No bergamot is not like Meyer lemons.i have a meyer lemon tree.i also purchase them in grocery stores.my lemons ripen in jan.&feb.i wish I could have them year round.there juice&pulp is awesome.i use them for jams&in meal preparation.
Hi Fruit Maven,m
Is there a site online that recommend that I can purchase bergamot fruit from?
I would love to purchase bergamot fruits.. I live in the prairies Saskatoon Saskatchewan Canada…who sells them close to my area…or are they sold in Canada??
Where do I buy this fruit/ plant? Will it grow in SC? THANKS.
I’ve heard from my dr. To eat
this fruit for diabetes.
I’ve seen supplements
But I want the fresh fruit.
I live in Texas, does it grow
Don’t Not share my e-mail.
I would really like to purchase the fruit. I am not in a climate to plant a tree. I have found one site. However I would like to compare. And I would rather not have to buy them on-line.
Jacque’ T
How can I purchase the bergamot orange in Houston Texas?
live in FL. where do I purchase fresh Bergamot fruit?
how many on line places sell fresh Bergamot fruit?
I love on central Florida and would like to purchase bergamot oranges or a tree to grow my own. Since we can’t import fruit to Florida , any place to purchase would be helpful
I live in Canada in Windsor and I am looking for this fruit where can I find it
Hi everyone, I don’t sell or grow them. Not sure! Good luck.
Where can I purchase a tree or, some seeds of Bergamot Oranges??
Hi, Where can I buy some Bergamot seeds?
Thank you very much.