If you are still lamenting the fact that you didn’t get to pucker up for new year’s eve this year, then this is the fruit for you!
APPEARANCE Rating: ★★★★½

Beautiful, smooth shiny lemon yellow skin, jumbly bumpy apple shape with a big snout on the end.

AROMA Rating: ★★★★★

Focused apple flavor with hints of sweet lemon – love the smell.

TEXTURE Rating: ★★½☆☆

Very dry, hard flesh with quite an astringent feel in the mouth.

TASTE Rating: ★½☆☆☆

Eating this raw is like eating the greenest banana you have ever had mixed with a little bit of lemon sour pixie dust – however, not that much worse than a really sour granny smith apple.

OVERALL Overall Rating: ★★★½☆

This is my second attempt at quince and at least this one delivered the promised astringency. I don’t really taste anything reminiscent of a pineapple however. I can’t say I understand the general negligence of this fruit though. Sure in its raw state (I know its divine cooked, I know) it tastes like a really bad banana with the texture of a really bad apple and the sour edge of a bad lemon, but a raw cranberry is pretty pathetic and puckery too and yet we all clamor to cook them at Thanksgiving here in the US. Better branding and public relations I suppose.










Specialty Produce


On my post about orange quince, a lovely reader commented that she likes to slice quince, mix with sugar and make refrigerator syrup. That sounded like the easiest quince recipe ever, so I tried it with these pineapple quince. The jar has been marinating for a month now and I dare say the syrup is quite good! That being said, I couldn’t figure out what to do with it, so I poured a little of it out, topped it off with rum and plan to let it sit for another month. What can I say? I was inspired by the limoncello and I’m way more inclined to drink a cocktail than to make a fancy dessert.