Pixie Tangerine

Pixie Tangerine

I just ate three pixie tangerines for lunch without batting an eyelash. And they were good — really good. Don’t worry, I’m not going all fruitarian on you, I can barely succeed at simple things like limiting dairy. Last night I had macaroni and...
White Indian Guava

White Indian Guava

Does anything rhyme with guava? The topic of fruit seriously lends itself to rhyming and yet there are so many that have no rhyming words. You can grapple with apple but orange is just borange. See? I can’t communicate strongly enough how much this annoys me....


If you pride yourself on your pithy prose, then this is the fruit for you! Let’s talk about pith. Or actually, let’s learn a new word today — albedo. I heard this word on one of the tours at the UC Riverside Citrus Collection a few weeks ago and I...
Bergamot Orange

Bergamot Orange

I finally got my hands on a bergamot orange this week and I have been scheming about what I’m going to do with the luscious rind. Heidi from 101 Cookbooks just happened to post a recipe for gorgeous citrus salts a few days ago, which are a definite possibility....
Opal Apple

Opal Apple

What a surprise! This apple seems pretty late in the season to show up at my grocery store so I was delighted to see it just sitting there near the end cap. I know of course, that ALL apples just sit there. But for whatever reason when it is a fruit I’ve never...