by Fruit Maven | Jul 1, 2012 | Pineapple, Portfolio
I’m not going to lie, it is completely possible that I have self-induced pineapple insanity. I bought a cute baby pineapple this week and instead of eating it right away, I left it on the counter. That would be fine, except when I walked in my house last night...
by Fruit Maven | Dec 9, 2010 | Apple
If you are more impressed by Sean Connery than Sean Puffy Combs (in fact, if you don’t even know who Sean Puffy Combs is), then this Pitmaston Pineapple Apple is the fruit for you! The apple tasting included six different examples from the antique russet apple...
by Fruit Maven | Jan 3, 2010 | Quince
If you are still lamenting the fact that you didn’t get to pucker up for new year’s eve this year, then this is the fruit for you! APPEARANCE Rating: Beautiful, smooth shiny lemon yellow skin, jumbly bumpy apple shape with a big snout on the end. AROMA...
by Fruit Maven | Dec 1, 2009 | Pineapple
If you’ve been looking for that special broach to spice up your annual Christmas sweater (the one with the embroidered rudolph and the battery powered nose), then Baby Pineapple this is the fruit for you! APPEARANCE Rating: Cutest little pineapple I have ever...