by Fruit Maven | Mar 26, 2012 | Patterns
Is it just me or do polka dots provide a little burst of instant happiness? As if fruit wasn’t delightful enough, these little beauties also have spunk and style — particularly that dragon fruit. Being a slightly freckly girl though, I must admit I’m...
by Fruit Maven | Feb 13, 2012 | Shapes
As Valentine’s Day approaches, I can’t help but think about how much I love this crazy, hearts everywhere and this week it’s flowers. Can you imagine how spectacularly nerdy it would be to receive a bowl of Surinam Cherries and Purple Mangosteen...
by Fruit Maven | Feb 7, 2012 | Shapes, Willy Wonka
Dear Fruit, I know Valentine’s Day isn’t for another week, but I couldn’t wait. I heart you. You are a star! Yours always, Fruit Maven .. 1. Seckel Pears, 2. Rainier Cherries, 3. Blushing Gold Apples, 4. September Yummy Plums, 5. Dr. White...
by Fruit Maven | Jan 23, 2012 | Shapes
Exploring Fruit is a series where I explore what fruit has to offer the world in terms of design, in addition to the snacking aspect that I usually highlight. If you could see me right now you would find me a little giddy and my eyes wide open and sparkly. Stars! Just...
by Fruit Maven | Jan 18, 2012 | Color, Willy Wonka
One reason I love discovering and trying new fruit is something I call the Willy Wonka factor. There are so many colors, shapes, textures, patterns and of course flavors to be found in natural fruit. Many of the simple concepts we take for granted can be found in the...