Christmas Fig

Christmas Fig

If you happen to be the person I accidentally elbowed at the farmer’s market while yelling “OMG! Are those Christmas Figs?” and barreling my way to the table, then this is the fruit for you! So…yeah. I might have run someone down at the market...
Hidden Rose Apple®

Hidden Rose Apple®

If you have posters of oompa loompas wallpapering your cubicle, then this is the fruit for you! I first posted about this apple in November of 2009, back in the wee early days of my sweet site’s existence. I picked up a new batch of these this week though and...
Pitmaston Pineapple Apple

Pitmaston Pineapple Apple

If you are more impressed by Sean Connery than Sean Puffy Combs (in fact, if you don’t even know who Sean Puffy Combs is), then this Pitmaston Pineapple Apple is the fruit for you! The apple tasting included six different examples from the antique russet apple...
Belle de Boskoop Apple

Belle de Boskoop Apple

If you like to chew your wine as you enjoy it, then this Belle de Boskoop Apple is the fruit for you! There are a few things I have wanted to do for a long time (other than update this blog). One is to read up on investment strategies and one is to have an apple...